Faqs (source from web)
Udyog Aadhaar
The proposed one-page registration form would constitute a self-declaration format under which the MSME will self-certify its existence, bank account details, promoter/owner’s Aadhaar details and other minimum basis information required. Based on the same, the MSME can then be issued online, at a minimum, a unique identifier, or Udyog Aadhaar, a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Assessment Number (TAN); and Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) registration and Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) registration, if applicable. The same should be issued online on a time bound basis. For certain aspects like labour, where self-declaration may not be the best approach for all sizes of firms, it can be permitted depending on the number of employees in the firm.” The Ministry of MSME can coordinate the simplification of registration and linkages to other departments/ministries. The proposed National MSME Portal can then require only a simple one-page registration form for MSMEs with a simplified set of information and documents. With the growing penetration of mobile phones in the country and the incremental usage of data services on mobile devices, this portal should also be easily accessible through mobile platforms. The Committee envisages that such an approach can achieve 95% registration amongst MSMEs in a time frame of six months. Among other things, the Committee looked into the registration process and advocated for universalization of registration so that MSME sector, as a whole, can be planned for growth interventions with real time data and need based facilitation.