| Trademark Application (Per Class, Per Brand) |
All Inclusive Fees |
1 | If the Trademark Applicant is: Individual or Startup or SME* |
Rs. 9500/- (inclusive of Govt Challan Fees 4500+ miss. Processing charges 500+professional fees Rs. 4500) |
2 | If the Trademark Applicant is: Manufacturing Industry: If the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs 10 crore Service Industry: If the investment in office equipment is more than Rs. 5 crore |
Rs. 16000/- (Inclusive of Govt Challan Fees 9000+ misc processing charges 1000+ professional fees Rs. 6500) |
- The fee quoted above is up to filing of Trademark. If any objection reply or opposition or representation services Charge will be Charged separately
- If the applicant address is in Maharashtra, stamp paper of Rs. 500 is separately applicable (only once required and can be used for Multiple applications)
- In case of an SME/Small Business, please provide MSME/SSI certificate to avail 50% Concession in Govt. fees, otherwise the Govt fees shall be Rs 9000/-